Defence Wing Defence Wing

Defence Wing


Defence Wing

Brigadier  S Sanjay
Defence Advisor

Tele : +493025799032, 25795701
Fax :+493025799036
Email ID – def[dot]berlin[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Mr Kultar Singh
Office Superintendent

Tele : +493025795703

Mr Sukhdev Singh
Assistant to Defence Advisor

Tele : +493025795702


          The Bilateral Defence Cooperation Agreement signed in September 2006 and the Agreement on Mutual Protection of Classified Information signed in October 2007, provide the framework for bilateral defence ties. To further enhance the defence industry and defence cooperation between Germany and India, the Arrangement on Implementation of the Agreement of 2006 concerning Bilateral Defence Cooperation was signed in February 2019 in Berlin.