
PRL Global Tender PRL/PHYSCAL RESEARCH LABORATORY/PR202400000301 for the supply of “Total Inorganic Carbon Analyzer”, due date: 12.08.2024

Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) - a unit of Department of Space (Govt. of India), has published a global tender No. PRL/PHYSCAL RESEARCH LABORATORY/PR202400000301 for the supply of “Total Inorganic Carbon Analyzer”. The due date of submission tender is 12 August, 2024 (IST 2240 hrs).

Interested bidders may obtain further information including technical specifications, tender documents, submission forms and all other relevant information with terms and conditions of bidding from websites: https://www.prl.res.inwww.isro.gov.in under the link Business with PRL - Tenders /Contracts and Tender Notices respectively.

Contact Point:

1. Ms. Sneha Nair, Senior Assistant, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, PIN-380009, Phone: +91-79-2631-4122 Email: snehanair@prl.res.in

2. Mr. Pradeep Singh Chauhan, Senior Purchase & Stores Officer, Email: pchauhan@prl.res.inpurchase@prl.res.in; Phone: +91-79-2631-4115
