
CSIR-CGCRI Global Tender Notice Ref No. P/NC/82/DG/SO(DB)/GTE/22-24 (E-Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_762986_1) for procurement of “Nanosecond Pulsed Laser System”; due date for submission: 12/08/2024

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, invites Global Tender Ref No. P/NC/82/DG/SO(DB)/GTE/22-24 (E-Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_762986_1) for procurement of Nanosecond Pulsed Laser System”. Last date of tender submission is 12/08/2024 (13:00 hrs IST).

The tender notice is attached herewith.

The complete Tender Documents with all the Terms & Conditions and Tender dates is available at Government of India E-Tenders portal (https://etenders.gov.in) and CSIR-CGCRI website (https://www.cgcri.res.in/).   Prospective bidders are requested to visit these websites for more details and remain updated for any notices/ amendments/ clarifications etc. to the tender notice.

Contact Point: Mr. A.K. Pandey, Stores & Purchase Officer, CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata, India-700032; Ph.: +91-33-24735829, Fax: +91-33-24730957, Email: director@cgcri.res.in; purchase@cgcri.res.in.

Global Tender Enquiry