
Glimpses of India


02March 2016

16:00 hrs


Film & Talk

Glimpses of India
An International Women’s Day Special

India 2011, 25min
Regie - Director: DrLavlinThadani
Language: English

Preceded by a talk by an expert

Why Can’t Iis an attempt to create awareness and motivate people at the grass root level to give a serious thought to the importance to the education of young girls in India. The film, keeping in view the ethos of the Indian society, endorses the sentiments of Gandhi; Nanak and Vivekananda – i.e. service to humanity without attaching a commercial value to it. It pays tribute to those real heroes, girls and women, who have made a difference by questioning the norms of the society and doing things that changed not only their own lives for the better but also had a positive impact on precious lives around them.

DrLavlinThadani is a passionate filmmaker, an actor and a writer-cum-poet. He has successfully been heading a film company and has made a number of remarkable films, some of which were screened at prestigious international film festivals.

Embassy of India
Tiergartenstr. 17
10785 Berlin

Bus 200 Tiergartenstraße


Free entry to all events for a maximum of 200 guests with valid Indian, German or other valid ID cards/passports having German stay permits. EU citizens may carry copies of their local registration certificate. Bags are not allowed. Information: 030-25795405

Freier Eintritt für maximal 200 Gäste mit gültigen indischen, deutschen oder anderen gültigen Personalausweisen/Reisepässen mit Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für Deutschland. Das Mitführen von Kopien ihrer örtlichen Anmeldebescheinigung ist für EU-Bürger notwendig. Taschen sind nicht erlaubt. Informationen: 030-25795405