
YOGA: ALIGNING TO THE SOURCE An International Yoga DaySpecial


13June 2016

16:00 hrs



Film - Talk- Workshop

Glimpses of India
An International Yoga DaySpecial

India 2013, 26min
Director: Raja Choudhury
Language: English

Preceded by a talk by Shiv Kumar Joshi

Followed by an authentic Yoga workshop

Language: English

The film “Yoga: Aligning to the Source” introduces audiences to the vast subject of Yoga. Millions of people around the world today practice some Yoga and this film explores the origins of Yoga, its development and practices, its integration across religions in India, the science behind it and its successful spread all over the world. It demonstrates how Yoga can be a comprehensive set of tools for life, for realigning one’s mind and body in equilibrium and for accessing a higher sense of consciousness and awareness.

The speaker and workshop leader, Shri Shiv Kumar Joshi is working as Software Developer in Hannoversince 1998. Yoga is his passion. He believes that Yoga can contribute to make our world healthy and peaceful. He started to learningYoga at the age of 15 and is still a student of RamamaniIyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI),Pune, India.

Shiv Kumar Joshi will talk on Yoga before the film and will guide you through a short yoga workshop later.

Participants are requested to please bring their yoga mats, if possible.

Embassy of India
Tiergartenstr. 17
10785 Berlin

Bus 200 Tiergartenstraße

Free entry to all events for a maximum of 200 guests with valid Indian, German or other valid ID cards/passports having German stay permits. EU citizens may carry copies of their local registration certificate. Bags are not allowed. Information: 030-25795405

Freier Eintritt für maximal 200 Gäste mit gültigen indischen, deutschen oder anderen gültigen Personalausweisen/Reisepässen mit Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für Deutschland. Das Mitführen von Kopien ihrer örtlichen Anmeldebescheinigung ist für EU-Bürger notwendig. Taschen sind nicht erlaubt.
Informationen: 030-25795405