


06 September 2016

18:00 hrs


Indian Classical Dance


Sonali Skandan


SonaliSkandanis a passionate and accomplished disciple of Bharatanatyam and one of the emerging artists of the younger generation based outside India. She is a student of the renowned Professor C.V. Chandrasekhar of Chennai and receives training from Smt. BraghaBessell, known for the art of abhinaya (expression). Sonali's initial training was under SmtThejeswini Raj. Noted for her clear and clean technique as well as eloquent abhinaya, Sonali has presented solo and group Bharatanatyam performances at major dance festivals and venues in the US and abroad, including the United Nations, Toronto International Dance Festival, the Downtown Dance Festival in NYC, the DanceNow Festival in NYC, the Asian American Dance Festival in San Francisco, CA and the Chennai Music and Dance Festival and Natyanjali Festivals in India.
Sonali is the Artistic Director of Jiva Performing Arts, based in NYC, where she teaches and creates engaging music and dance productions to increase the accessibility of the classical arts to all audiences. She is also the Director of SonaliSkandan&Jiva Dance, a professional dance company presenting exciting and compelling works based on the Bharatanatyam idiom. The company has presented concerts in prestigious venues to great critical and audience acclaim. She has also been the recipient of two Lower Manhattan Cultural Council awards.
Sonali has been the artistic director for several productions including 'Urban Kutcheri', which premiered at Joyce/SoHo in June 2006 and CMAC (2007) and 'Bharatanatyam Margam' which was held at the Lighthouse Theatre in June 2004 and most recently, 'Swarupa:Infinite Form' which premiered at the 2011 NYC International Fringe Festival to much critical acclaim. She was commissioned by Sruti in Pennsylvania to choreograph 'Trimurti-Bharatanatyam Odissi and Kathak' for their 25th year anniversary celebrations in 2011.
As an educator, she has given lecture demonstrations and workshops in museums and schools throughout the NYC area and is a Teaching Artist for Young Audiences New York.Sonali is also on the dance faculty at Sarah Lawrence College and holds a Masters degree in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She uses her experience in teaching to develop engaging and enriching lecture demonstrations and workshops for professional dancers, students and teachers.
Sonali's passion for Bharatanatyam stems from its spirituality, its intricate beauty and grace. Her work reflects a high-level quality and dedication to the pure art form. By combining her devotion to the dance with her western upbringing, Sonali hopes to bridge the cultural boundaries and present Bharatanatyam in a clear and enlightening manner.


SonaliSkandan ist eine leidenschaftliche und versierte Bharatanatyam- Schülerin und eine aufstrebende Künstlerin der jüngeren Generation außerhalb Indiens. Sie ist eine Schülerin von Prof. C. V. Chandrasekhar und von SmtThejeswini Raj und wurde von Smt. Bragha Bessell, die für ihre besondere Ausdrucksstärke bekannt ist, ausgebildet. Sonaliist Solo und in Gruppen bei großen Tanz-Festivals und auf renommierten Bühnen in den USA und im Ausland aufgetreten.
Als künstlerische Leiter der JivaPerforming Arts(mit Sitz in New York City) lehrt und choreographiert sie, um die klassischen Künste für alle Zielgruppen erlebbar zu machen. Daneben ist sie auch die Direktorin der SonaliSkandan&Jiva Tanz Company, einem professionellen Tanzensemble, welches fesselnde Werke auf der Grundlage des Bharatanatyam-Tanzes präsentiert.Das Ensemble hat mit seinen Aufführungen bei Kritikern und Publikum gleichermaßen Beifall geerntet. Sonali hat mehrere Bühnenproduktionen künstlerisch geleitet, wie 'Urban Kutcheri', "BharatanatyamMargam"und zuletzt 'Swarupa: Unendliche Form'.
Als Lehrerin gab sie Lecture-Demonstrations und Workshops für professionelle Tänzer, Schüler und Lehrerin Museen und Schulen im ganzen NYC Bereich. Ihre Leidenschaft für Bharatanatyam-Tanzliegt in dessen Spiritualität komplizierten Schönheit und Anmut. Ihre Arbeit spiegelt ihrenEinsatz für den Erhalt der reinen Kunstform wieder.

Embassy of India
Tiergartenstr. 17
10785 Berlin

Bus 200 Tiergartenstraße

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