


10 November 2016

18:00 hrs




From the diaries of Kafka - A dance theater work
Tulsi - A fusion work that combines Bharatanatyamfootwork, rhythms, and gestures with group dynamics of Modern dance

presented by the 12-member
Dakshina Dance Company
led by Daniel Phoenix Singh


September Sonnet
A duet choreographed by the late American choreographer Anna Sokolow, this abstract dance explores the arc of two lovers stories

From the Diaries of Franz Kafka
A dance theater work created from the writings of Kafka, describes the loneliness of life and the author's many struggles as he worked to find his artistic voice

A fusion work that uses the footwork, rhythms, and gestures of BharataNatyam with the group dynamics of Modern dance and ties together the various myths of goddess Tulsi

Artistic director Daniel Phoenix Singh attributes his love of dance to Pamela Matthews, a longtime friend, teacher, and mentor. Singh holds an MFA in dance and a Graduate certificate in Women’s Studies from the University of Maryland, and he studied BharataNatyam with Guru MeenaTelikicherla for several years. Singh has been studying the Cuban/Colombian variations of Salsa and Merengue with Javier Varela and Shawn Malone for over nine years and studied Tango with Sharna Fabiano for two years. He continues to train at the Maryland Youth Ballet and he considers Karen Bernstein, Lorry May, and Harriet Moncure Williams his cherished mentors. He is currently on the faculty at Maryland Youth Ballet. Singh is active in KhushDC, a Washington DC organization serving the South Asian LGBT community and its friends. His works have been the critic’s pick in Washington City Paper and The Washington Post, and Voice of America profiled his dance company in the fall of 2005. His piece, Songs of My Life, was a finalist in the Metro DC Dance Awards, and Singh was a finalist for the Mayor’s Emerging Artist award in 2006 and 2007. The company received the Founder’s Award for Innovation in Dance in 2007 and received the Emerging Group and Excellence in Costume Design in 2008 from the Metro DC Dance Awards. In 2009, Dakshina received a prestigious touring grant and performed Anna Sokolow’s work in India and was the first US based dance company to visit Bangladesh since the country’s founding 40 years ago. In 2010, Singh became one of the youngest finalists for the DC Mayor’s Arts Awards in the Innovation in the Arts category. Dakshina is one of two US based dance companies invited to perform in the Kennedy Center Festival, Maximum India, in March of 2011. The company has the rare distinction of receiving 4 NEA awards in the company's first 7 year history, a rare stamp of recognition of the company's leadership and excellence in Dance.

Group members
Daniel Singh
Miguel Alcantara
Jamal Black
Darrell Daney
Stefan Liebermann
Valerie Branch
Helen Marie Carruthers
Julia Battist
Rachel Turner
Dhanoop PK
Alessandra Pizza

Stage Manager: Lisa Mion
Rehearsal Director: Karen Bernstein.


September Sonnet
Ein Duett der amerikanischen Choreografin Anna Sokolow. Dieser abstrakte Tanz erforscht zwei Liebesgeschichten.

Aus den Tagebüchern von Franz Kafka
Eine Tanztheaterarbeit, die die Einsamkeit des Lebens und den Kampf des Autors, seine künstlerische Stimme zu finden beschreibt.

Fußarbeit, Rhythmen und Gesten desklassischenBharatanatyam fusionieren mit der Gruppendynamik des modernen Tanzes, um verschiedene Mythen der Göttin Tulsidarzustellen.

Der künstlerische Leiter Daniel Phoenix Singhwidmet seine Liebe zum Tanz seiner langjährigen Freundin, Lehrerin und MentorinPamela Matthews. Singh hat einen MFA in Tanz und ein Graduate Certificate in Frauenstudien an der University of Maryland, und er studierte BharataNatyamunter Guru MeenaTelikicherla für mehrere Jahre. Singh lernte und studierte kubanische und kolumbianische Variationen von Salsa,Merengueund Tango von Javier Varela, Shawn Malone undSharna Fabiano. Er trainiert mit dem Maryland Youth Ballet und er betrachtet Karen Bernstein, LKW Mai und Harriet Moncure Williams als seine Mentoren. Singh ist aktiv in KhushDC, einer in Washington DC beheimateten Organisation der südasiatischen Gemeinschaft. Sein Stück Songs meines Lebens war Finalist bei den Metro DC Dance Awards und Singh war ein Finalist für den Emerging Artist Award des Bürgermeisters im Jahr 2006 und 2007. Im Jahr 2009 erhielt Dakshina ein Touren-Sponsoring und ist mit den Choreografien von Anna Sokolow in Indien aufgetreten. Sie waren die erste US-amerikanische Tanzgruppe, die in Bangladesch aufgetreten ist. Im Jahr 2010 wurde Singh einer der jüngsten Finalisten des Arts Awards DC Mayor in der KategorieInnovation.

Daniel Singh
Miguel Alcantara
Jamal Black
Darrell Daney
Stefan Liebermann
Valerie Branch
Helen Marie Carruthers
Julia Battist
Rachel Turner
Dhanoop PK
Alessandra Pizza

Stage Manager: Lisa Mion
Rehearsal Director: Karen Bernstein.

Embassy of India
Tiergartenstr. 17
10785 Berlin

Bus 200 Tiergartenstraße


Free entry to all events for a maximum of 200 guests with valid Indian, German or other valid ID cards/passports having German stay permits. EU citizens may carry copies of their local registration certificate. Bags are not allowed. Information: 030-25795405

Freier Eintritt für maximal 200 Gäste mit gültigen indischen, deutschen oder anderen gültigen Personalausweisen/Reisepässen mit Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für Deutschland. Das Mitführen von Kopien ihrer örtlichen Anmeldebescheinigung ist für EU-Bürger notwendig. Taschen sind nicht erlaubt. Informationen: 030-25795405