
MIIM Workshop on "Successful HR Management and Intercultural Dimensions of Doing Business in India, 16th May 2018 (0945 to 1645 hrs) at Embassy of India, Berlin


 Make In India Mittelstand! (MIIM) Workshop on

 “Successful HR Management and Intercultural Dimensions

of Doing Business in India”

 Date:  Wednesday, May 16, 2018 (0945 to 1645 hrs)

Venue: Embassy of India, Tiergartenstrasse 17, 10785 Berlin


 In today's highly globalised and competitive business environment, companies engage with people across borders on a day to day basis. Cross-cultural differences have often been identified as the most critical factor when it comes to international projects, collaborations, and joint ventures. The need for intercultural competence and effective people management becomes key to the success of an enterprise.  

In the above context, a focussed one day Workshop on “Successful HR Management and Intercultural Dimensions of Doing Business in India” is being organized by Embassy of India, Berlinon Wednesday, 16th May 2018 at Embassy of India, Berlin from 0945 hrs to 1645 hrsat Tiergartestr. 17, 10785, Berlin under the Make in India Mittelstand (MIIM) Programme.The MIIM Workshop will provide you key insights into bridging the cultural gaps with case studies, HR and labour laws, India market entry HR strategy and current best HR practices. The agenda of the MIIM Workshop is attached for your information. Part of the presentations will be in English and certain other presentations in German.

We invite you to participate in this MIIM Workshop on May16, 2018. We request you to kindly inform us of your interest to participate in  the Workshop by sending an email to  As we have limited seats for this Workshop, registrations  of participants would be processed on a first-come first-serve basis. As registering for the workshop would not automatically imply that we are confirming your participation, kindly participate only after our MIIM team sends you a confirmation. 

The program for the event can be found here

 With best regards,