
19th Edition of Reverse Buyer-Seller Meet under the banner of “INDIASOFT”

The Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry is organizing the 19th Edition of Reverse Buyer-Seller Meet under the banner of “INDIASOFT” – International IT Exhibition & Conference through Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) under the MAI Programme. The event will be held during February 4-5, 2019 at Hyderabad. More updates on the event are available at

The programme  encourages foreign buyers to connect and network with Indian Industry to source their requirements in the ICT sector. Indiasoft will provide a usefulplatform for overseas buyers to meet over 200 Indian ICT companies under one roof and experience high tech products and services in various verticals of IT.

Return air-fare by economy class of the registered / selected foreign buyer will be borne by the Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council under the MAI Scheme along with local hospitality including networking lunch on two days; Networking Evening on day one of the event.

You are requested to disseminate the information amongst trade associations / chamber of commerce and relevant organizations / individuals looking to source their ICT requirements from India and mobilize 15 to 20 nominations in the attached format for invitation by the Council under Hosted Buyers’ Programme.

Mr D K Sareen, CEO of the Council ( may be contacted for any further information in this regard and submission of nominations.


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