
Global Investor Summit 2019

“Global Investor Summit 2019” 

         We are glad to inform you that the Madhya Pradesh Government is organizing “Global Investor Summit 2019” on 23rd & 24thFebruary2019 at Brilliant Convention Centre, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. 

The Summit will be an ideal platform for the key stakeholders to interact on important topics and will see participation of government officials, thought leaders, industry experts and other eminent stakeholders from across the country. The summit will have more than 15 thematic sessions to brainstorm on the leading practices of the focus areas and sectors and way ahead to tap the opportunities. AGlobal Trade Exhibition 2019 is also being organised as an integral part of the GIS 2019 and will provide the participants with an opportunity to showcase their products and services.

Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched the GIS 2019 event portal i.e. providing detailed information about the Summit and to facilitate registrations and participation in the Global Trade Exhibition 2019. The detailed event brochure is also available on the website.

For more information Mr. Anirudha Chauhan, Confederation of Indian Industry (+91 977785400, or Ms. Apoorva Singh (+91 9691770776, may be contacted.

We would be grateful for your kind support in giving wide publicity to this event among your member companies and interested firms investing in India.