Press Releases

India Germany Economic Relations Moving Forward with strong business commitment

Embassy of India


August 29 2019


India Germany Economic Relations Moving Forward with strong business commitment

1.In preparation for the forthcoming India-Germany Inter Governmental Consultations to be held in Delhi between Prime Minister Modi and Chancellor Angela Merkel, Indian and German business communities in Germany discussed their plans and ideas of going forward at a Business Round Table co-chaired by Ambassador of India to Germany, Mrs. Mukta D. Tomar and Parliamentary State Secretary of Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Mr. Christian Hirte. The sentiment on both sides was positive. There is keen interest amongst the business communities in taking the India – Germany business relations to the next level.

2.Ambassador Mrs. Mukta D. Tomar encouraged Indian and German businesses to work more closely together to garner synergies of opportunities in India and German manufacturing and technical capabilities. She stressed that it was important to focus on emerging areas of business, especially in digital technologies, Artificial Intelligence and sustainable solutions. Parliamentary State Secretary, Mr. Christian Hirte expressed his satisfaction at the strengthening India-Germany economic relationship and assured the participants that facilitation of businesses and growth in bilateral economic engagement was a priority for both Governments.

3.A discussion was held amongst businesses from both sides on their existing activities and future plans. This session helped in bringing to the table issues faced by businesses and the mechanisms provided by the two Governments for addressing them including the Fast track Mechanisms that have been set up both in India and Germany.
