Press Releases

Seminar held to commemorate the 550th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji

Embassy of India




Seminar held in Berlin as part of a series of commemorative events to celebrate the 550th Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji


The Embassy of India, Berlin, in collaboration with Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Berlin e.V. organized a Seminar to celebrate the 550th Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on Sunday, October 6, 2019 at the Ernst-Reuter-Saal Concert Hall in Berlin. Scholars and inter-faith leaders from Germany and UK discussed the universal and eternal values of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the Seminar that was attended by more than 700 people from the Sikh community in Germany, Indian diaspora organizations and local German population.

2. The main speakers at the Seminar were Dr. Gurdeep Singh Jagbir, former Professor of Delhi University and Sikh Scholar currently residing in the UK, who gave a talk on the various principles and values from the teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and its present day relevance, and Dr. Thomas Martin Schimmel, Political Scientist and Catholic Scholar, who pointed out the similarities of the values followed in Sikhism and in Catholic religion. There were addresses by representatives of world religions, namely, Dr. Gerdi Nützel, Theologian in the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg, Mr Amir Aziz, Imam of Berlin Mosque, and Professor Dr. Ramesh Chandra Agrawal.

3. Earlier, Mr. Jaswant Singh, President of Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha e.V. Berlin, and Mrs. Paramita Tripathi, Chargé d'Affaires, Embassy of India, Berlin, welcomed the scholars of Sikhism and the representatives of world religions, and the large audience gathered on the occasion. Mrs. Paramita Tripathi recalled in her address the activities carried out by the Embassy of India, Berlin, in collaboration with the Sikh community in Berlin and highlighted the initiatives undertaken by Government of India to celebrate the 550th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. She also stressed on Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message of love, peace, equality and brotherhood, and that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings of Naam japna, Kirat karna and Vand chakna, which form the three pillars of Sikhism, hold significance beyond the boundaries of borders, beliefs and timespan.

4. The event was graced by the Ragi Jatha Bhai Seva Singh Nirmal from New Delhi. The Jatha performed Shabad kirtan during the event that added an element of peace and spirituality.

5. Following the Seminar, the participants and the audience shared in the centuries old tradition of Langar or community meal.

6. As part of the series of commemorative events to celebrate the 550th birth anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji this year, the Embassy of India, Berlin, joined hands with the Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha in Berlin for a tree planting initiative in Berlin earlier this year in April. Five Soapberry trees were planted in Potsdamer Platz in the heart of Berlin in a symbolic ceremony, which was attended by representatives of the German Parliament, Berlin Government and the Indian community in Berlin. The tree planting was symbolic as in his writings and discourses, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji inspired people to form a loving and caring relationship with Nature and to keep the environment safe and clean – a message that is more and more relevant in today’s world. Baisakhi celebrations were also held at the Embassy in April and the Guruparab celebrations are being planned with the Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Berlin, in November.

7. A few photographs of the event are attached. More photographs and information are available at:


Place: Berlin

Date: October 10, 2019