Press Releases

Press release regarding restoration of Mobile phone services the State of Jammu & Kashmir

Press Release

The Government of Jammu & Kashmir has issued the following Press Statement regarding restoration of Mobile phone services in the State:

Mobile phones to be restored from 12 noon on Monday, 14 October 2019

October 12, 2019: In the light of the important constitutional changes that were made in relation to Jammu & Kashmir in August 2019, a number of restrictions were imposed from 4 August 2019 in order to prevent externally aided terrorists from disturbing peace and inflicting casualties on innocent citizens.

It is now a well established fact that there have been sustained attempts from across the border, both in the past and more so in the last two months, to promote militancy and terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir in order to create a sense of fear and terror among the people and keep the place in a disturbed condition. It is also a fact that the attempts from across the border to disturb normal life continue. Credible inputs continue to be received of the likelihood of large scale terrorist attacks, sponsored by forces inimical to the nation and from outside its borders. These terrorist attacks are meant not only to cause large scale damage to life and property but also create an atmosphere of fear and terror among the people of Jammu & Kashmir, the vast majority of whom are peace loving. Banned organizations such as Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen continue to make attempts to terrorise the people of Jammu & Kashmir.

It was in anticipation of this that the restrictions were imposed so that externally aided terrorism does not lead to a loss of innocent lives. It is a tribute, both to the people of Jammu & Kashmir and to the security forces, that these measures have ensured that there is no unnecessary loss of life in Jammu & Kashmir. This is remarkable, given the history of events in 2008, 2010 & 2016. Some killings and injuries have been inflicted by terrorists, including on a baby, to prevent traders, businessmen and transporters from doing their normal business.

Since 16 August, there has been a gradual removal of the restrictions that were imposed and by the first week of September, most restrictions were removed. Barring 8-10 Police Stations, movement restrictions have been completely removed. Over 99% of the area of Jammu & Kashmir has no restrictions on movement. Telephone landlines have been fully restored and are functioning for over six weeks. Mobile phone facilities were restored in Jammu and Ladakh and subsequently in Kupwara district. Media was facilitated through the Media Centre equipped with all facilities. Schools were gradually reopened since August and Universities, Colleges and Higher Secondary schools were reopened in the last 10 days. Examination schedules have been announced. Air services are operating normally and air booking has been facilitated in Srinagar with new counters in the city. People inconvenienced by restrictions were facilitated. Haj Yatris were helped in their travels. 25 Internet kiosks are operating in each district in the DC office to help students, contractors and government departments to carry out their functions. Students have been using this facility to apply for exams, download admission cards, etc.

This week, the Travel Advisory to tourists issued in August 2019 has been lifted. Tourists are welcome to visit the state and they will be facilitated for their visit. Internet facilities are being opened in tourist places to assist tourists wanting to access internet.

To help apple growers, an ambitious Market Intervention Scheme has been launched by the Central Government through NAFED and the Horticulture department here. The prices for apples have been revised last week and the prices for the best varieties are highly competitive.

Having reviewed the situation in Jammu & Kashmir, a decision has been taken to restore mobile phone facilities in all the remaining areas of Jammu & Kashmir. More specifically, all post-paid mobile phones, irrespective of the telecom service provider, will stand restored and be functional from 12 noon on Monday, 14 October 2019. This will cover all 10 districts of Kashmir province. With this step, tourists will be able to visit the state without being handicapped by the lack of phone connectivity, students can be in touch with parents while attending schools, businessmen can be in touch with customers, transporters can contact clients, and contractors can be in touch with staff.

The government urges businessmen, industrialists, traders, transporters, shopkeepers, hoteliers and contractors not to be frightened by the threats of terrorists and separatists and go about their normal activities. The government is firm in its resolve that the attempts of these disruptive elements will be foiled. The Government thanks the people of Jammu & Kashmir for being cooperative and helping in maintaining peace and public order.