Press Releases

Remarks by Minister of State for External Affairs on the 50th anniversary of German-Indian Parliamentary Friendship Group (June 22, 2021)

June 23, 2021

Mr. Niels Annen, Minister of State, Federal Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany,
Mr. Dirk Wiese, Chairman, German-Indian Parliamentary Friendship Group of the Bundestag,
Shri P.P. Chaudhary, Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs,
Members of the German-Indian Parliamentary Friendship Group in the Bundestag,
Mr. Walter Lindner, Ambassador of Germany to India,
Mrs. Mukta D. Tomar, Ambassador of India to Germany,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a matter of great satisfaction for me to be addressing this august gathering to commemorate the 50th anniversary of India-Germany Parliamentary Friendship Group.

2. Incidentally, this year we are also celebrating the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations. In this regard, we have already launched a joint stamp, and planned several other events to be held throughout the year, despite the challenges posed by Covid-19.

3. Parliamentary ties between India and Germany are a cornerstone of the deep and wide-ranging Strategic Partnership between the two countries, which complements other regular institutional engagements at the higher political levels.

4. Since 1971 when this Friendship Group was established, the world has significantly changed and so have our two countries. The Federal Republic of Germany united with the German Democratic Republic and became one country in 1990, transforming into an economic powerhouse not only in the European Union, but also globally.

5. India too has emerged as a thriving economy and also as the largest democracy in the world. With our young and dynamic population, which nurtures higher aspirations, we now see a New India that actively participates in international decision-making and norm setting.

6. The pillars of our bilateral relationship, that is, people-to-people ties, economic and trade, scientific and educational cooperation are further strengthened with your support as Parliamentarians. Your support contributes to the realisation of our common vision for a free, open and rules-based world order that is committed to multilateralism.

7. I convey to all those gathered today my warm felicitations on this special occasion and wish you all success in further strengthening the India-Germany relationship.

Thank you.