Upcoming Events

27 November 2017: Bicycle Stories



27 November 2017


18:00 hrs




In the words of the artiste:

It was December 2012 while I was on a bicycle trip (The JOSH project) from Delhi to Udaipur with a German friend that this idea of looking at the Indian bicycle culture germinated. All my previous bicycle trips were in Europe but this one was different, I got a chance to see my own country very differently at a nice slow pace, I met some amazing people and had some unforgettable experiences which has left a deep impact on me. I used to indulge in a lot of talk about the “European Bicycle -Culture” before, but this trip brought a whole new perspective, the not so talked about bicycle culture in India surfaced and I thought of doing something about it. Recently a friend from India who was visiting me in Berlin told me, “It’s pretty cool how even the postman in Germany comes on a bicycle”, my reaction was “Hamare yahan haathi pe aata hai kya!”. This was the moment when I realized it’s about time I brought the “bicycle stories from India” to both the Indian and the European audience through illustrating these stories, publishing books, postcards, posters and hold exhibitions. I have started off with sharing some of these stories on social media platforms and people have started reacting and offers of collaboration have started coming in. Some people have simply started giving me some information, for example the existence of a bicycle license in India in the 1930's or newspaper article on someone's grandfather who opposed taxes on bicycles during the British Raj.” - Allen Shaw

Inauguration / Vernissage:

Monday, 27th November, 2017 at 6 p.m.


28 November, 2017 to February, 2018

Opening hours: Mo-Fr, 2-5 p.m.

Embassy of India

Tiergartenstr. 17

10785 Berlin


Bus 200


Free entry to all events for a maximum of 200 guests with valid Indian, German or other valid ID cards/passports having German stay permits. EU citizens may carry copies of their local registration certificate. Bags are not allowed.

Information: 030-25795-105/-405


Freier Eintritt für maximal 200 Gäste mit gültigen indischen, deutschen oder anderen gültigen Personalausweisen/Reisepässen mit Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für Deutschland. Das Mitführen von Kopien ihrer örtlichen Anmeldebescheinigung ist für EU-Bürger notwendig. Taschen sind nicht erlaubt. Informationen: 030-25795-105/-405