News and Events Fees and Bank Details

payments can be made at Consular Section of the Embassy only in Cash while submitting the application.

When applications are sent by post, only online payment can be made at the following bank account details and the payment proof must be enclosed in postal correspondence along with copy of documents that needs to be attested or notarised.

Please note, the bank transfers may add additional time (taken for reconciliation of payments from the bank) to the general processing process.

Bank Transfer Details

Payments can  be made to the below account details

Account Holder: Embassy of India, Berlin

Bank: Postbank Berlin
Account No. 631068104
BLZ: 10010010


To be entered in
‘Payment Description’/
Zahlungsbeschreibung column  

Please use the following format in
the payment description:
Name (First 14 characters)
For Example:


Total Fee including ICWF in Euro

Attestation of documents - civil, trade/commercial and real estate/moveable property


Attestation of affidavits/documents pertaining to sale, purchase, power of attorney, mortgage, transfer, gift, etc. of real estate or moveable properties or issue of a document by a Consular Officer pertaining to such matters.


Attestation of civil documents (affidavits, educational degree, sponsorship certificates, marriage certificates, wills, Power of Attorney etc.


Attestation of Trade/Commercial documents or issue of any certificate ‘country of origin etc.’ pertaining to exports from foreign country to India.


Attestation of Trade/Commercial documents or issue of any certificate pertaining to exports from India to a foreign country.


Marriage fee



A Consular Officer solemnizing a marriage, registration of a marriage certificate and a certified copy of the entry(all).



Fees in respect of merchant shipping


Attestation of documents pertaining to sale, purchase, mortgage, transfer of vessel or transfer of one's interest in merchant vessel.


Attestation of other documents pertaining to ship/vessel for issue of a certificate or verification or acceptance of a document or taking any action as per Chapter IX of the Consular Manual on ‘Merchant Shipping’. The Shipping Company (or Captain of vessel on behalf of Company) being applicant/payee of consular fee.


 Attestation of documents of issue of certificates to a sailor as per Chapter IX of the Consular Manual on ‘Merchant Shipping’ (individual sailor being applicant for his individual use).


Fee in respect of other services


Attestation of pension papers, life certificate etc. pertaining to pensioners.


For affixing Consular Officer’s signature and seal, if required, for declarations of pay or pension.


Other miscellaneous attestations, issue of civil certificates, notarial services as per Consular Manual, not falling within any of above categories, registration of birth & a certified copy of the entry.


Registration of death & a certified copy of the entry with the proviso that HOM/HOP may waive these charges at his discretion.


Cancellation of Indian passport of an Indian national who dies abroad.


Police Clearance Certificate


Note: The rates are per attestation and the pages on which Mission’s round seal is affixed will not be charged extra.

Frequently Asked Questions - PCC