
Press Release: Saxon Companies Show Interest in "Make In India"


Encouraged by Government of Indias policy initiatives under the MAKE IN INDIA programme, the German Mittelstand (SMEs) companies from the Saxony state are showing keen interest to expand their business ties and investments in India. Several success stories of German companies that are collaborating with India were showcased during the India Business Dayheld in Leipzig on 17th February. The Make in India Mittelstand (MIIM) ( being implemented by the Indian Embassy in Berlin to support German Mittelstand and family owned enterprisesinvesting in India is helping create successful business ventures between India and Germany.

The success stories showcased at the event included the positive experience of a Saxon-based packaging company in India; a case study of an Indian company which helped turnarounda sick Saxon company in the automobile component sector; and how an Indian company successfully partnered with German Fraunhofer institution to develop clean technology solutions. The event was attended by over 100 delegates from Saxony from the field of business, research and academia. These successful examples are encouraging other Saxon companies to expand their business relations with India by availing support through the Make in India Mittelstand (MIIM) Programme.

H.E. Mr.Gurjit Singh, Ambassador of India to Germany called on the companies from Saxony to join the MAKE IN INDIA initiative and step up their level of engagement with India to take advantage of the immense opportunities that India offers. The government of Saxony is also supporting companies which are interested in doing business with India. This was conveyed by Mrs Barbara Meyer, Director General for Industry & SMEs in the Saxon Ministry of Economics, Labour & Transport.

Saxony is the birthplace of German industrialization with long-standing traditional industries such as machine construction, automotive manufacturing, microelectronics, environmental technology, biotechnology, life sciences andrenewable energy and is one of Germanys fastest-growing regions. India and Saxony enjoy close cooperation between commercial companies and scientific institutions. Dr. Georg Milbradt, former Minister-President (Chief-Minister) of the State of Saxony who had joined the India Business Day expressed his interest to intensify India-Saxony relations. The discussions at the event deliberated on further intensification of India and Saxony cooperation in the areas of clean energy, microelectronics, biotechnology and high tech engineering.

The India Business Day had been organised in partnership with Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL) to present India as a destination for investment and showcase successful business ventures. HHL is a one of the oldest and leading international business schools in Europe. It has the highest proportion of Indian students and graduates among its international students. It has close partnerships with India that includes academic exchanges with over 11 premier Indian institutions including the IIMs.
On the occasion, H. E. Ambassador Gurjit Singh presented about 100 books on India to the Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL), Leipzig. The books are donated by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), which has established a Long- Term Chair of Corporate Responsibility & Governance\' at HHL.
