FAQ on Renunciation of Indian Citizenship FAQ on Renunciation of Indian Citizenship

FAQ on Renunciation of Indian Citizenship

1.Renunciation of Indian  Citizenship / Surrender  of Indian Passport  for Applicants  above 18 years.

Q No 1. Where can I apply for Renunciation of Indian Citizenship and what are the documents to be submitted along with application form ?

Applicant needs to apply online through following link to be filled here: https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/Renounce .

Q No 2. What all documents are required for Renunciation of Indian Citizenship ?

Please note, all the details should be filled as is as per the current Indian passport of the applicant.(Names of the Applicant, Parents Names etc)

Following documents are required to be submitted along with the application form filled through above step:

  • Copy of first and last page Current Indian Passport
  • Indian Passport in original (even when expired).
  • Copy of City Registration /Anmeldung/Meldebestatigung and Original for Verification.
  • Copy of Foreign Nationality Certificate and Original for Verification
  • Copy of Foreign Passport and Original for Verification
  • Form 22 obtained in Step no.1 should be signed by a witness who should be an Indian national(residing in Germany)who should not be a the family member of the applicant.
  • Copy of witness’ passport must be provided and presence of witness is not mandatory.
  • Copies of nationality certificate /passport other than German nationality, must be apostilled (by the issuing country) accordingly before submitting the documents at the Embassy.
  • Fees of 90Euros in Cash can be paid at the Cash Counter at Consular Wing after the verification and submission of documents.

1. The Form can be filled only online, and no further modifications are possible. Thus, filing of wrong and incorrect detail may cause rejection/cancellation of application at any stage.

2. Once the above process is completed, submit a copy(FORM XXII) in PDF format at Embassy of India, Berlin in person. Applicant's details must be vouched by another Indian national on Form XXII who is not a family member of the applicant. Copy of witness’ passport must be provided and presence of witness is not mandatory.

3. Signing of form XXII and submission of the application must be done in person at the Embassy for verification on any working day between 9.30 hrs and 12.30 hrs.

4. In case applicant’s last Indian passport is with German authorities, the applicant should contact the concerned German authorities to provide the applicant with their passport. If the same had been forwarded to the Embassy or an Indian Consulate, the respective Indian Embassy/Consulate should be contacted to get back the last Indian passport. The Applicant has to submit physical copy of their passport along with the above mentioned two documents.

5. Status of application may be followed online at https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/Renounce. Processing of Citizenship Renunciation applications may take minimum 10-12 weeks (starting from date of receipt of complete application) and the Certificate could be issued only after getting clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. Applicants are requested to refrain from making status enquiries during this period.

Q No 3. What is the fees and how can I pay ?

A: 90 Euros. Applicant can pay in cash at the Embassy.

Q No 4. What is the criteria of uploading documents ?

A: Documents mentioned above should be scanned and uploaded in PDF format. Each PDF document should not exceed size more than 1mb.

Q No 5. What is the criteria of uploading image ?

A:Image Dimension of photograph should be 5x5 cm. Ensure that the scanned image should not exceed more than 50kb and should be in JPG format only.

Q No 6. How much is the processing time of the application?

A:Processing of the application may take minimum 10-12 weeks (starting from date of receipt of complete application). Certificate can only be issued after getting Security clearances in the system from several Indian agencies. Applicants are requested to refrain from making status enquiries for 12 weeks after successful submission of documents and payment of fee.

Q No 7. How can I track the status of my application ?

A:Applicant can track the status through following link : Renunciation of Indian Citizenship (indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in).

2.Surrender  of Indian Passport Renunciation of Indian  Citizenship for  Applicants less than 18 years.

Q No 1 After acquiring foreign nationality when do I need to surrender my passport?

A: After obtaining foreign nationality the applicant needs to surrender his/her Passport within 3 years. Also note that you cannot travel on the Indian passport after acquiring foreign passport.

Q No 2  How can I apply for Surrender Certificate?

A:Please go to the link: https://portal6.passportindia.gov.in/and apply. The application is to be submitted online along with the documents (Please see below)

Q No 3 What documents do I need to provide along with the application

  • Form 22 : click here
  • Particulars Form click here (To be signed by witness who should be an Indian national other than the applicant and the family member of the applicant).
  • Declaration signed by both the parents.
  • Copy of first and last page Current Indian Passports of the minor and both parents
  • Indian Passport in original of minor (even when expired).
  • Copy of City Registration / Anmeldung.
  • Copy of Foreign Nationality Certificate of the minor applicant
  • Copy of Foreign Passport of applicant
  • Documents in Original of the above stated must be presented during the verification process
  • Copies of nationality certificate /passport other than German nationality, must be apostilled accordingly before submitting the documents at the Embassy
  • Please note, in case of Minor applicant, presence of both parents is mandatoryalong with the childfor submission of documents at Embassy

Q No 4  My passport has been taken by the German authorities while processing my German passport. What is the procedure for getting the surrender certificate now?

A:Applicant needs to submit his/her application at the Embassy mentioning that his/her passport was deposited with the German authorities. Please follow up with the concerned German authority to ensure that the passport is sent to the Embassy of India. The surrender process can start only after the Indian passport of the applicant is received  by the Embassy of India.

Q No 5  Whose details needs to be filled in Particulars Form?

A:The Particulars Form is not to be signed by the applicant but by another Indian national who can verify the identity of the applicant.(should not be a family member of the applicant)

Q No 6 How do I submit my application?

A:Applicant can personally submit the application at Embassy of India, Berlin on any working day between 9:30hrs - 12:30hrs.

Q No 7 What is the fee for Renunciation Certificate?

A: 90 Euros

Q No 8 How can I deposit the fee?

A:You can deposit the fee in cash at Embassy of India Berlin.

Q No 9 I have filled the form and deposited it personally at the Embassy. What are the next steps?

A: Once the application is submitted the applicant can track the status of the application on the Sewa portal.

Q No 10 How can I collect my Surrender Certificate

A:Applicant can visit the Embassy after receiving the confirmation mail that his/her Surrender Certificate is ready for collection. The collection time is between from 16:00hrs to 17:00hrs on all working days.

Q No 11. What if I have passport from different country ?

A:Applicant needs to get it apostiled  along with nationality certificate issued by the   authorities of concerned country.

Q No 12. I have different query

A:Please contact us on cons1.berlin@mea.gov.in
