Press Releases

A talk on “India: The place to be in a changing Science and Technology order” at the Embassy of India, Berlin

Press release:
A talk on “India: The place to be in a changing Science & Technology order” at the Embassy of India, Berlin.

As an initiative under the India@70 celebrations, Prof. VijayRaghavan, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, addressed Students, Researchers & Young professionals from various parts of Germany on 13th July 2017 at the Embassy of India, Berlin. 

Ambassador Mukta Tomar welcomed the gathering and introduced the Secretary to the gathering as an eminent and eloquent scientist who is currently heading the important Department of Biotechnology.  

In his talk on “India: The place to be in a changing Science & Technology order”, Professor VijayRaghavan gave an overview on the development of Science and Innovation. He mentioned that initiatives have been taken up and that impetus has been given in institutionalising research and innovation in India. He explained about the structural changes that were brought about in the scientific landscape in India through various policy interventions in the past 3 years. He touched upon different initiatives including improvement of the early school education to create interest in science at an early age. Prof. VijayRaghavan also mentioned about the major programs on deep ocean research & exploration and creation of centres of Marine Biotechnology. 

The talk was followed by an interactive question and answer session on various areas of Science and Technology as well as of general interest on the way ahead for India.