
Global Tender Notice Ref No. UH/CHEM/24-25/RC/03 for supply of “Pico-second Lasers for the Confocal Optical Microscope” at the University of Hyderabad; due date of submission: 04/11/2024

The University of Hyderabad invites Global Tender Notice Ref No. UH/CHEM/24-25/RC/03 for supply of “Pico-second Lasers for the Confocal Optical Microscope” installed at the Chemistry department of the University. The complete Tender Documents with all the Terms & Conditions and Tender dates are available at the Government of India E-Tenders portal https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app and UOH webpage: https://gadmin.uohyd.ac.in/all-notices/. However, the copy of tender notice is attached. The bid submission last date is 04/11/2024 (IST 1600 hrs) and bid opening date is 08/11/2024 (IST 1600 hrs).

Contact Point: Prof. R. Chandrasekar, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad - 500046, India, Phone: +91-40-23134824; Email: r.chandrasekar@uohyd.ac.in.

Global Tender Enquiry