
BHEL Open tender enquiry T/T212/22/1316N/4 for "FORGING FOR LP SHAFT (Rought Machined)", due for opening: 07.08.2024

The Heavy Electricals Equipment Plant (HEEP), Haridwar, India, a major manufacturing plant of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) –  Government of India undertaking, has published an open tender T/T212/22/1316N/4 for "Forging for LP Shaft (Rough Machined)". The due date for opening of tender is 07/08/2024. The details of the tender along with required documents are available on website: https://hwr.bhel.com (NIT No 12641) and https://www.bhel.com/ (NIT No. 83755)However, copy of NIT is enclosed for ready reference.

Contact point: Mr. Tuhin Kanti Dey, Manager (PPX-T), HEEP, BHEL, Haridwar, India-249403, Tel +91-1334-281183, Mob: +919491633893, E-mail- tuhindey@bhel.in.

Tender Documents